Reduced Ambient Pressure Improves Solid-State Laser Performance & Reduces Spatter By Christian Börner and Klaus Dilger In the German publicly funded research project “LaReD,” investigations are conducted to exploit the potential of high brilliance solid-state lasers and enhance the quality of the joints they produce. This project is being carried out at the Institute of […]
ICALEO 2015 – Opening Plenary Recap
LIA Executive Director Peter Baker started us off by welcoming everyone including first time attendees. Peter also reminded everyone to join us next year in San Diego. Following Peter Baker was current LIA President Robert Thomas who thanked everyone for their support during his presidency. He also recognized the ICALEO Sponsors, Vendors, and Attendees. Mr. Thomas also discussed peer reviewed papers and the added value […]
ICALEO 2015 Speakers Shine
Expanding the Bounds of Laser Materials Processing Research While the opening and closing plenary sessions of the International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO®) are always a major draw, the invited papers that will be presented throughout the five-day conference are a treasure trove of novel laser research and applications. ICALEO will take […]
ANSI Z136.6 Safe Use of Lasers Outdoors is Available for Pre-orders!
Orlando, FL, Oct. 12, 2015 – After ten years, the long awaited revision of the ANSI Z136.6 Safe Use of Lasers Outdoors is almost here! This standard, now available for pre-order, sees updates to nearly the entire document – expanding and modernizing the established topics and sections. The 2015 revision of the ANSI Z136.6 Safe Use of […]
Laser Institute of America to Host Manufacturing Day Virtual Event
Orlando, FL, Oct. 2, 2015 – In celebration of Manufacturing Day 2015, Laser Institute of America will host a virtual event as part of an effort to change people’s perceptions about today’s manufacturing environment and draw attention to the outstanding opportunities that laser manufacturing can provide. LIA’s virtual event will consist of 4 presentations that […]