Use of Lasers For Potential Treatment or Cure To Parkinson’s

What is Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and how can it be cured? PD is defined as being a progressive disease of the nervous system that is marked by slow imprecise movements such as shaking and rigidity that worsen over time. This disease currently affects more than one million people within the US while an estimated eight million […]

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Weekly Wrap Up (April 29, 2016)

This week, LIA was at the Lasers for Manufacturing Event (LME®) in Atlanta, Georgia. Be sure to check out our comprehensive guide to LME®, covering the exhibition, showcase, and peer reviews of years past here: On the topic of conferences and networking events, be sure to check out our reflection on the Lasers for […]

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Production of Lithium-Ion Batteries

By Wilhelm Pfleging, Melanie Mangang, Yijing Zheng, Peter Smyrek and Johannes Pröll Introduction Thick film anodes and cathodes with thicknesses ranging from 20-300 µm, in state-of-the-art and future lithium-ion cells are complex multi-material systems consisting of defined material components, grain sizes, porosities and pore size distributions in the micrometer and submicrometer ranges. State-of-the-art cells with pouch […]

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Throwback Thursday: The Invention of The Laser Scalpel

Invented just over 50 years ago, the laser scalpel is used in an array of surgical procedures, across medical fields. A laser scalpel is typically either a CO2 laser or a excimer laser, depending on the surgery. For soft tissue procedures, such as removing a birthmark or teeth whitening, a CO2 laser is used. A […]

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How Lasers May Help Spacecraft Reach Mars in Less Than An Hour

When it comes to space travel, getting from point A to point B, at a faster rate is among the biggest challenges facing researchers, eager to explore new worlds. One researcher, however, thinks that he has found a solution that could reduce travel time to Mars to less than one hour, using laser-based technology. The […]

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