Weekly Wrap Up (May 6, 2016)

Could lasers be used to help treat Parkinson’s disease? According to researchers at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan and University of Otago, New Zealand, the disease may be able to be treated by  “encapsulating dopamine within liposomes that can be released using a femtosecond (FS) laser.” The researchers believe that the findings may […]

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Throwback Thursday: Lasers and the Development of the CD Player

Since the invention of the laser in the 1950’s, the impact of lasers has been felt worldwide in an innumerable amount of industries. One industry that owes a lot of its commercial success to the advent of the laser, is the entertainment industry. In the 1960’s Theodore Maiman proposed the idea of lasers capable of […]

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Communications and the Future of Laser Technology

With modern technology advancing at such rapid speeds it’s no surprise that one may often wonder where it will all lead us ten or twenty years from now. Some may even find themselves asking what will be the hottest technology within the next century. Laser technology has since undergone a type of explosion that can […]

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Einstein’s Involvement in Developing the Laser

  The year was 1905 when a German scientist first announced his very own theory about light. This physicist was the great Albert Einstein and he announced what later became known as his famous “quantum theory of light”. This particular is important to the development of the modern laser because within this theory Einstein stated […]

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