Throwback Thursday: Developing The Handheld Laser Pointer

You have used them in presentations. You may reflect with a small sense of fondness, when you remember when they, rather than smartphone screens, were the biggest distraction in a movie theater. Since the 1980’s, the laser pointer has served as a productivity tool, prankster’s weapon-of-choice, and, most importantly, as a way to put laser […]

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Lasers & The Breakthrough Starshot Initiative

In recent years, the theoretical and practical application of laser technology for space research has increased. As the push for manned and large craft exploration has slowed, due to costs, risks, and other challenges, finding alternatives is a priority for the numerous private and government funded operations with their eyes on the stars. One of […]

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Dennis Gabor and the Hologram Theory

When questioned about the future, we often respond with painted Hollywood-influenced concepts and inventions. However, we have yet to truly understand the impact of thought and how often these made-up scenarios influence young scientists and engineers worldwide. One truly futuristic concept of the past that has yet to develop into a mainstream household commodity is […]

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Throwback Thursday: The Birth of a Bose-Einstein condensate

Twenty-one years ago, researchers at University of Colorado put the predictions of Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein to the test, resulting in the first gaseous condensate. Known now as a Bose-Einstein Condensate, the state of matter refers to a diluted gas of bosons, which are cooled to temperatures close to absolute zero. When exposed […]

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Using Lasers to Detect Mutant Bacteria

Using lasers to detect harmful bacteria is a topic of interest to more than a few researchers. Previously, we highlighted developments where lasers were used to identify contaminated food, which may be used to stop food poisoning long before contaminated food hits a dinner plate. Now, researchers at Purdue University have developed a laser tool that […]

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