Lasers and Headlights: An Unexpected Challenge for Automobile Makers

Automobiles are slowly, but surely, going through a technological renaissance. In recent years, new developments in the way we drive, park, and power our vehicles have had lasting impacts on the simplicity and efficiency of how we get around. Yet, despite having cars that help us park, avoid traffic, and alert us when things go […]

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Lasers Vs Insects: Creating the Photonic Fence

Controlling disease-carrying insects is a worldwide issue for agricultural, food, and health industries. Insufficient pest control can ruin an entire season’s crops, or even help spread harmful diseases to consumers. The common method for maintaining control of food resources is through the use of pesticides. While these chemicals are mostly effective in warding off troublesome […]

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How Effective is Laser Hair Removal?

The process of eliminating hair from growing on the body in designated areas has been one that has grown in popularity throughout the last ten years. Using lasers to permanently remove hair is a process which came to replace tedious treatments of Electrolysis which involved putting a thin needle into a single hair follicle in order […]

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Throwback Thursday: The Rise of The Laser Light Show

Now a staple of planetariums and major concert events, the laser light show has wowed audiences for nearly half of a century. In this week’s Throwback Thursday, we take a look at the development of lasers for the sake of entertainment and the worldwide phenomenon that was and continues to be, the laser light show. In […]

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Yongfeng Lu Named LIA’s 2016 Schawlow Award Winner

Laser Institute of America (LIA) Fellow, 2014 LIA President and 2016 ICALEO® Nanomanufacturing Conference Chair Dr. Yongfeng Lu has been selected as the 2016 Arthur L. Schawlow Award recipient recognizing his longstanding record of laser industry innovation and his significant contributions to basic and applied research in the fields of laser science and electrical engineering. […]

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