One of the biggest challenges for those who maintain a home aquarium is keeping the tank free of pests and contaminants, that pose significant threats to the living creatures inside. While there is no shortage of methods to keep your tank balanced and under control, a recent thread on aquarium enthusiast site Reef2Reef revealed a […]
Using Lasers to Treat Anxiety and Depression
Anxiety disorders affect more than 40 million adults in the United States, alone. Over 6.7 percent of U.S. adults suffer from Major Depressive Disorder. These and other similar disorders are typically treated using a combination of behavioral therapy and pharmaceutical drugs. While generally effective in the realm of treatment, the standard methods do not work for […]
The Rise of Laser-cut Fashion
Innovative laser applications are making headlines on a near-daily basis, with no sign of slowing. It was only a matter of time before the manufacturing end of these applications collided with another ever-evolving industry. Enter the age of laser-cut fashion. Just this month, popular footwear & lifestyle brand VANS launched a new line of signature […]
Weekly Wrap Up- Week of July 1st
Commercially available since the 1990’s, laser hair removal has remained relatively popular through the decades. This week, we take a look at just how effective the treatment is, how different lasers are used for different skin types, and the accessibility to the technology in the United States and beyond. Read more here. Disease-carrying pests are […]
Throwback Thursday: The Origin of the Word “Laser”
“What’s in a name?” It is difficult to imagine a laser called by any other name. The word itself sounds a bit futuristic in nature. While the unaware may imagine that the laser was simply named upon discovery, the history of the word has an intriguing depth and history to it. Before the 20th century, “laser” […]