By Moez Haque and Peter R. Herman The manipulation of femtosecond laser light inside transparent media can be directed on varying interaction pathways of micro-explosions, photochemistry and self-focusing filamentation to open new directions in creating dense memory storage, three-dimensional (3D) optical circuits, 3D microfluidic networks, and high-speed scribing tracks[1-3]. Our group has been following these […]
Weekly Lasers Wrap-Up: Week of October 10, 2016
Bringing you up to date with the latest in laser news, LIA updates, and industry conferences, the LIA Weekly Lasers Wrap-Up provides a brief rundown of what you may have missed this week. Take a peek below: Conference News With ICALEO® just days away, an in-depth look at this year’s sessions and offerings is available […]
Laser Institute of America Announces Launch of Official ICALEO App
LIA’s new app provides complete ICALEO resources and opportunities in a single, user-friendly platform FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ORLANDO, FL – OCTOBER 14, 2016 – Laser Institute of America announces today the launch of the official International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO®) App. Created as a full-service companion to the world’s premier platform […]
A New Method of Laser Shock Peening
By Yujie Xu, WenWu Zhang, Zhenying Du and Liang Ruan Laser shock peening (LSP) is a surface strengthening technology. Compared with traditional surface treatment technologies (i.e., shot peening), it has many advantages such as non-contact, no heat-affected zone, good controllability and significant strengthening effect. The mechanism of LSP is shown in Figure 1. In this […]
October’s Featured Corporate Member – Buffalo Filter LLC
A market leader, Buffalo Filter LLC, located in Lancaster, NY, produces technologies and solutions that are used to manage the hazards associated with surgical plume inhalation. Dedicated to eliminating the plumes, which contain harmful gases, respirable particles and biological matter that can transfer disease, Buffalo Filter works diligently to protect the individuals who care for […]