The Laser Institute of America Weekly Wrap-Up aggregates industry news, conference updates, and LIA happenings. Here is the latest: Industry News Valuable Resources in Laser Manufacturing When discussing resources to increase your laser manufacturing knowledge, blogs may not be the first thing that comes to mind! There are plenty of credible, informative laser manufacturing […]
Selective Laser Melting, Powder Metallurgy & Additive Manufacturing
Additive Manufacturing processes like selective laser melting (SLM) and powder metallurgy are on the rise – and they continue to disrupt traditional manufacturing as we know it. While the public eye continues to focus almost solely on 3D printing, these other laser additive manufacturing methods are quite literally shaping our manufacturing future. In the weeks that […]
Valuable Online Resources in Laser Manufacturing
Whether you are an expert in the field of laser manufacturing, an ambitious student, or are just beginning your career, discovering new information about laser manufacturing applications is always a valuable endeavor. With that in mind, the LIA team compiled a list of the top laser welding and manufacturing-related online publications for you to explore. […]
Weekly Lasers Wrap-Up: Week of October 17, 2016
The Laser Institute of America Weekly Lasers Wrap-Up is an aggregation of all that you may have missed this week in the world of lasers. From Industry news to Conference updates and LIA happenings, here’s what happened during ICALEO Week 2016: LIA Happenings & Updates This week brought us the 35th ICALEO® in San Diego, California. […]
Laser Weld Process Monitoring: Seeing the Unseeable
By Christopher M. Galbraith and Paul J.L. Webster The economic case for using lasers in industrial welding applications is no longer in question. Industrial lasers provide massive leverage in the form of an unmatched combination of speed, precision, robustness and—increasingly—accessibility. In serial production they can provide time and cost savings, and enable more efficient product […]