The Laser Institute of America has made its official publication the Journal of Laser Applications® (JLA), an online-only journal, complete with new features for a broader audience. JLA is hosted on AIP Publishing’s robust Scitation online platform, providing the journal with greater functionality and the ability to leverage a wide range of valuable discoverability features. JLA […]
LIA News
LIA Seeking Nominations
The Laser Institute of America needs the help of its membership with nominations for officers for the year 2012 and board members for years 2012-2014, as well as for 2011 fellows and award recipients. Visit the LIA website at for complete details and nomination forms. You may submit your nominations online or send your […]
LIA’s Rockwell Award Given to Vangie Dennis
Vangie Dennis, RN, BSN, CNOR, CMLSO at Gwinnett Hospital was awarded the 2011 R. James Rockwell, Jr. Educational Achievement Award for exceptional accomplishments in laser safety education at the 2011 International Laser Safety Conference (ILSC®) in San Jose, California earlier this month.
Benjamin Rockwell Awarded 2011 George M. Wilkening Award for Outstanding Contributions in Bioeffects Research
Laser Institute of America was pleased to present its prestigious 2011 George M. Wilkening Award to Benjamin Rockwell, Ph.D. for his exceptional contributions to laser bioeffects research at the 2011 International Laser Safety Conference (ILSC®) in San Jose, California in March. Dr. Rockwell is a Principal Research Physicist in the Air Force Research Laboratory at […]
LIA’s Laser Additive Manufacturing (LAM) Workshop Continues Success in 2011
Laser professionals got a fresh global perspective and real-world look at laser-additive manufacturing during the Laser Institute of America’s third-annual Laser Additive Manufacturing workshop in Houston on Feb. 16-17.