We would like to thank Dr. Ron Schaeffer of Industrial Laser Solutions for writing this article about our ICALEO conference: The Laser Institute of America (LIA)’s ICALEO conference in Atlanta last week drew over 400 people from over 30 countries. As usual, attendees were heavily skewed toward non-US citizens, with China in particular sending a strong […]
ICALEO 2015 – Opening Plenary Recap
LIA Executive Director Peter Baker started us off by welcoming everyone including first time attendees. Peter also reminded everyone to join us next year in San Diego. Following Peter Baker was current LIA President Robert Thomas who thanked everyone for their support during his presidency. He also recognized the ICALEO Sponsors, Vendors, and Attendees. Mr. Thomas also discussed peer reviewed papers and the added value […]
ICALEO 2015 Speakers Shine
Expanding the Bounds of Laser Materials Processing Research While the opening and closing plenary sessions of the International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO®) are always a major draw, the invited papers that will be presented throughout the five-day conference are a treasure trove of novel laser research and applications. ICALEO will take […]
Continuing the Townes Legacy: Ellen Townes-Anderson Presents Her Laser Research at ICALEO 2015
Orlando, FL, Aug. 25, 2015 — Dr. Ellen Townes-Anderson, one of the four daughters of laser pioneer Charles Townes, will be a featured speaker at the Laser Institute of America’s 34th International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO®) in Atlanta, Georgia on Oct. 19, 2015. Townes-Anderson is a professor in the Department of Neurology […]
ICALEO 2015: Advances in Revolutionary Laser Research
By Geoff Giordano When Silke Pflueger attended her first ICALEO® in San Diego in the 1990s, she was a bit overwhelmed by having to give a talk about her work. “The first presentation is scary,” she recalls. But that initial involvement has led Pflueger all the way to serving as congress general chair of ICALEO, […]