By Moez Haque and Peter R. Herman
The manipulation of femtosecond laser light inside transparent media can be directed on varying interaction pathways of micro-explosions, photochemistry and self-focusing filamentation to open new directions in creating dense memory storage, three-dimensional (3D) optical circuits, 3D microfluidic networks, and high-speed scribing tracks[1-3]. Our group has been following these fundamental and nonlinear interactions to control femtosecond laser processes in transparent coreless and single-mode optical fibers (SMFs) and thereby form highly functional and compact fiber devices that may seamlessly integrate with microelectronic chips. Such optical fibers are currently deployed over a billion kilometers of worldwide networks and can also reach into challenging environments such as advanced aircraft structures or cardiovascular systems.
The concept of developing ubiquitous sensing networks relies on the development of novel miniaturized and integrated in-fiber microsystems. Following the miniaturization and integration of chemical and biological devices with optical components for multifunctional lab-on-chip (LOC) microsystems, femtosecond laser processing has enabled us to create a new optofluidic lab-in-fiber platform[4] for environmental, mechanical and analytical sensing that may be widely distributed into fiber networks or inside flexible biomedical probes that is otherwise not possible with more traditional LOC-based technologies.
An essential component for the lab-in-fiber is the laser-formed optical tap that predictably couples light into and out of the light-guiding core of SMFs for connecting with optical probing sensors that have been written in the surrounding fiber cladding. To enable such a novel concept of “fiber cladding photonics”[5,6], Figure 1 shows three traditional approaches developed to partially redirect light from the core waveguide into the laser-written cladding waveguide: (1) A “X-coupler” (Figure 1a) that crosses the center waveguide at a discrete angle, (2) an “S-bend” coupler (Figure 1b) that forms an “S” shaped waveguide to emerge from the SMF core, and (3) a “directional coupler” (Figure 1c) that runs offset and parallel with the SMF core. Our group has demonstrated an unprecedented flexibility in tuning the coupling ratio to values as high as 99 percent while also controlling the light polarization and spectral bandwidth[5,6].
Dr. Moez Haque is a postdoctoral researcher developing novel lab-in-fiber sensors for commercial applications. Prof. Peter R. Herman is full professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto.
[1] S. A. Hosseini, P. R. Herman, “Method of material processing by laser filamentation”, U.S. Patent 20130126573 A1, filed July 24, 2011.
[2] R. Osellame, G. Cerullo, R. Ramponi, Femtosecond laser micromachining: photonic and microfluidic devices in transparent materials, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
[3] K. Sugioka, Y. Cheng, Ultrafast laser processing: from micro- to nanoscale, Pan Stanford, Boca Raton, 2013.
[4] M. Haque, K. K. C. Lee, S. Ho, L. A. Fernandes, P. R. Herman, “Chemical-assisted femtosecond laser writing of lab-in-fibers”, Lab Chip 14, 3817-3829 (2014).
[5] J. R. Grenier, M. Haque, L. A. Fernandes, K. K. C. Lee, P. R. Herman, “Femtosecond laser inscription of photonic and optofluidic devices in fiber cladding”, in G. Marowsky (ed.), Planar waveguides and other confined geometries, p. 67, Springer Series in Optical Sciences vol. 189, New York (2015).
[6] J. R. Grenier, L. A. Fernandes, P. R. Herman, “Femtosecond laser inscription of asymmetric directional couplers for in-fiber optical taps and fiber cladding photonics”, Opt. Express 23(13), 16760-16771 (2015).
[7] L. A. Fernandes, J. R. Grenier, J. S. Aitchison, P. R. Herman, “Fiber optic stress-independent helical torsion sensor”, Opt. Lett. 40(4), 657-660 (2015).
[8] K. K. C. Lee, A. Mariampillai, M. Haque, B. A. Standish, V. X. D. Yang, P. R. Herman, “Temperature-compensated fiber-optic 3D shape sensor based on femtosecond laser direct-written Bragg grating waveguides”, Opt. Express 21, 24076-24086 (2013).
[9] V. Maselli, P. R. Herman, “Integrated optical circuits in fiber cladding by tightly focused femtosecond laser writing”, Proc. SPIE 7585, 75850F-1-75850F-11 (2010).
[10] Video 1: 3D fiber shape sensing by laser-written cladding photonics, from [8], available at
[11] Video 2: 3D fiber shape and distributed temperature sensing, from [8], available at
[12] M. Haque, Y. Shen, A. A. Gawad, and P. R. Herman, ‘’Chemical-assisted femtosecond laser structuring of waveguide-embedded wavefront-splitting interferometers”, J. Lightwave Technol. 33(21), 4478-4487 (2015).