What’s New in Lasers this Week? LIA’s Weekly Wrap Up brings you a condensed version of laser industry news, conference updates, and educational information found on Lasers Today, LIA Blog, and LIA’s social media channels.
Catch Up! Let’s get started with the latest in Laser Industry News:
What if you could own a device that would remind you to complete a task, should you interrupt your daily routine? Enter Watchbot: A laser-wielding robot made of surprisingly rudimentary materials that keeps routines in check by analysing patterns. Once the pattern is learned by Watchbot, it identifies disruptions in the pattern and highlights the errors with a low power laser light. Find out what Watchbot’s creators are looking to do with their invention here.
Image: Watch-Bot Project
LIA recently added three publications to the LIA.org online store. The three publications, Laser Safety Tools and Training, Laser Welding, and Hybrid Laser-Arc Welding, are the perfect addition to any laser or manufacturing professional’s library. Check out the official press release here.
Are you familiar with OSHA’s new accident reporting requirements? In an effort to modernize the reporting process and allow for greater transparency, accidents will now be required to reported digitally, and will be available for public viewing. Learn more about this update here.
Focus on: Laser Additive Manufacturing
This week, LIA put a spotlight on one of the most future-forward solutions in lasers: laser additive manufacturing. LIA offers a number of ways for you to learn more about laser additive manufacturing. Discover the top three ways Laser Institute of America can help you increase your knowledge on the subject. Check out our picks here.
Laser Additive Manufacturing is not just a trend here in the US — plenty of other nations are making significant strides in the field. This week, we featured an article spotlighting Laser Additive Manufacturing applications in Australia. Find out what challenges led to the spike in interest for additive manufacturing, and where things seem to moving ahead for the future here.
Continuing this week’s focus on additive manufacturing, we published a piece on Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing as a Solid Choice for 3D Printing. Learn how Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing can address many of the challenges presented by other forms of additive manufacturing, an in-depth look at how the process works here.
Conferences & Education:
Are you considering enrolling in online laser safety training? Be sure to check out the infographic 8 Benefits of Laser Safety Training to find out what you can expect when you choose online courses over the traditional classroom setting. Find this and more here.
Two months and counting until ICALEO®! Are you registered yet? Entering its 34th year, the International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro Optics is where end users and researchers come together to discuss the future of laser applications. Registration is now open, so don’t delay! ICALEO® takes place October 16-20th in San Diego, California. Get the details and register here.
The Laser Institute of America (LIA) is the international society for laser applications and safety. Our mission is to foster lasers, laser applications, and laser safety worldwide. Learn more at LIA.org.