Join LIA: With October coming to a close, LIA would like to announce November as
membership month! We offer individual and corporate memberships for students and business
professionals alike. Our mission is to actively engage in and spread knowledge of all that it is
laser safety. Members will be able to receive special discounts on laser safety courses as well as
major LIA publications, conferences and seminars. We also offer discounted memberships for students upon proof of full time enrollment.
No matter if you’re already familiar with the laser industry or just an intrigued and avid tech
connoisseur, LIA is here for you. We service our members by offering opportunities to
network at various events while gaining an educational experience in the advancement of laser
Individual Benefits: All members receive an online subscription to the Journal of Laser
Applications® along with discounted rates on Laser Safety Officer Training, all LIA publications and major conferences such as The International Congress on Applications of Lasers and ElectroOptics (ICALEO®) which was recently held from October 18 – 22 at the Sheraton in Atlanta, Georgia.
Corporate Benefits: Discounts are given to all corporate members which encompass the full
range of LIA offerings which includes all laser safety training, videos, training guides for laser safety, the ANSI Z136 standards, conference registrations and exhibit space and even advertising opportunities. LIA promotes corporate members in order to direct potential customers your way through our online directory, over the phone referrals and by showcasing a link which serves as a gateway from our site to yours.
LIA’s Mission: Our mission is to efficiently deliver laser knowledge and its safe use through our conferences, publications and the like. We are a great place to start for those interested in entering the field of laser technology or just wanting to gain an insight as to what the future of specialized tech has to offer. Our various conferences and events are highly popular and showcase the current up-and-coming projects of passionate scientists and engineers.
Not only can LIA open the door towards gaining a better understanding of the future of lasers
and its involvement in the wonderful field of technology but we can also guide individual and
corporate members in the right direction concerning which programs to take advantage of and
how to get into contact with fellow attendees through sponsorship.
Become a Member Today! Visit: https://www.lia.org/membership and input member code:
JOINLIA11 to receive a 25% discount from your new membership subscription.