IPG Photonics Announces 5th International Symposium on High-Power Fiber Lasers and Their Applications

Gapontsev to Chair Symposium in St. Petersburg, Russia, June 28 – July 1, 2010 IPG Photonics Corporation, the world leader in high power fiber lasers and amplifiers, has announced the 5th International Symposium on High–Power Fiber Lasers and Their Applications. The symposium, organized by IPG Photonics, will be chaired by IPG Founder, Chairman and Chief […]

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New Laser Power Sensors Eliminate Need for a Stand Alone Meter

The new PowerMax™ USB/RS sensors from Coherent Inc. (Santa Clara, CA) (Nasdaq: COHR) are the world’s first laser power sensors that utilizes state of the art microelectronics miniaturization techniques and integrate an entire instrument within a USB 2.0  or RS-232 cable connector.  Specifically, PowerMax USB/RS sensors have all the signal processing and power measurement electronics […]

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ANSI Z136 Annual Meeting

The 2010 annual meeting of ASC Z136 will be held on Friday, March 12, 2010 at the Hilton DoubleTree Hotel in San Jose, Calif. This meeting is open to the public and an excellent opportunity to observe the committee in action! Subcommittee chairs will give brief presentations, either updating the status of each standard’s development […]

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LIA Northeast Regional Meeting

A meeting of the Northeast Chapter of LIA was held in Nashua, NH on Wednesday 13 January, 2010.  There were over 75 people in attendance coming mostly from New England, but also from as far away as California.  New Hampshire Governor John Lynch could not attend the meeting, but sent a letter of support that […]

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ICALEO 2010 Sponsor and Vendor Opportunities

EARLY BIRD PRICING STILL AVAILABLE! Be the Talk of the Conference as a Prestigious ICALEO Sponsor Increase conference-wide visibility, maximize awareness and generate sales leads by becoming a sponsor for ICALEO 2010!

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